Emmanuel's Gardens

June 15, 2018

Emmanuel families have adopted garden plots around the churchyard this spring. Our campus covers half a city block from 3rd Street to 4th Street along Markison Avenue (beside Southwood School). Dog walkers and neighbors enjoy passing our campus to view the garden displays. Below you may view just a few of the flower beds that have already bloomed. Imagine what may blossom next!

Emmanuel's churchyard is one of the larger green spaces in the area, where we host our annual Easter Egg Hunt, Vacation Bible School activities, and youth events.

Spring Photographs

Spring bulbs and boxwoods welcome visitors along the church's east entrance (parking lot side).

Creeping flox, irises, and narcissus blanket the west side of the church. Pansies were just beginning to peak along the walk way to the Sunday School entrance.

Pansies spring back from last year's planting, representing the colors of the Luther Seal. This bed was a youth project beautifying our campus while teaching the Faith. This display appears along the Markison Avenue sidewalk.

The parsonage's old lilac burst with fragrant blooms after a hard trimming last year.

Peonies added yet more perfume near the west entrance.

Early Summer Photographs

For members of Emmanuel, gardening is an act of worship, just as the Lord gave Eden to Adam and Eve. "The Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and keep it" (Genesis 2:15).

Columbines, pansies, and shocks of tall grass surround the Ten Commandments and Beatitudes monument on the corner of Markison Avenue and 4th Street.

Snapdragons and dianthus border the ungulating boxwoods alongside the east side of the church where most visitors to Emmanuel park.

Beneath the shade of maple trees along Markison Avenue, mounding hostas and grasses flank the front step to the sanctuary.

The children's garden holds yellow daisies, white daises, and red roses beneath its hard cherry tree, which bloomed prolificaly in the spring.

Veriegated hostas prepare to bloom among the burning bushes along 3rd Street beside the office entrance.

Shade loving impatiens grow beneath dwarf lilacs and birch trees along 3rd Street near Luther Hall entrance.

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